What Is a Dental Emergency?
A dental emergency can be anything that is adversely affecting your oral operation. Whether that’s a tooth knocked out due to accident or a chipped tooth from a fall on the pavement, you’re in a dental emergency. Dental emergencies can also include severe tooth pain and hurting gums. If you’ve been experiencing the pain for more than a day, then it’s a dental emergency that you should have checked out.
Why Do I Need to Get Help?
Better Safe Than Sorry
You might be thinking, “The pain might just go away. There’s no need to go to a dentist; I’ll be okay.” It’s better to be safe than sorry. With dental emergencies, it is important to go and get help immediately. Many problems do not heal themselves and it’s better to find out early if work needs to be done on your mouth to fix it. If you wait, it could get worse.
Same-Day Service and Walk-Ins
If you are having an emergency dental situation, feel free to walk in and take advantage of our same-day service. We want you to be able to return to normal as quickly as possible, which is why we provide
same-day service
for all of our emergency dental cases.
Feel free to call us ahead of time in order to let us know you’re coming in. Even if you don’t call ahead, be sure to come in when you have an emergency. It’s better to take care of it early before it’s too late.